a letter from our founder

Dear Reader,

As a reader, feminist, and author, I’ve drawn solace and resilience from my favorite books and poems all my life. They’ve carried me through many situations where other people didn’t know how powerful I was, and where it was incumbent on me to remember in order to feel free, get what I deserved, and fully experience life.

Sayre is a vessel for us to cradle these stories in places where our favorite books don’t usually come: protests, first dates, family dinners, board rooms, hospital rooms, opening nights, walks around foreign streets, best friends’ weddings, deaths, births, birthdays.

May our pieces remind you of who you really are and what you truly love, no matter who you're with, where you go, or where the plot of life takes you.

Lauren Ross

Our Inspiration: Zelda Sayre

Our essence is inspired by the novelist, artist, dancer, wanderer, and rule-defier Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald.

Zelda, a polymath in her own right, is often reduced in cultural memory to the flapper wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Pronounced as "sayer," denoting one who speaks truth, the name Sayre is apt for our mission of embracing the truths we see and relate deeply to in poetry and literature.